
Sports Performance

"Austin completed his first week of summer camp--he loves it although he said it was really hard work. We can certainly see his confidence increase in his athletic ability--he had an awesome baseball practice today as well and I could certainly see more confidence it what he was doing!" Mary Teel (Mother of 11 year old, Austin)

“I began working out at Athletes Prime beginning of Summer 2012. During this time I was also pitching for the Brazos Valley Bombers and was looking to grow in my baseball skills such as improving velocity, endurance and power. I was looking for a place that I could improve my leg and core strength. Athletes Prime turned out to do just that for me. After about 2 weeks I started to notice my strength increase, which in turn helped me improve my pitching. Now after spending a full 10 weeks working out with Casey and Shawn, I’m in the best shape I’ve ever been in. I am now throwing the hardest I’ve ever thrown and with the endurance I’ve built I can stay in the game longer.  I have become much quicker due to the agility exercises that we do. Athletes Prime is everything I thought it would be and more. It has given me top results and keeps me hungry to get even better. “ 

“I consider myself extremely fortunate to have had the opportunity to work out with Shawn and Casey at Athletes Prime in College Station, Texas. These two guys are awesome! They are getting me physically and mentally ready to go play college football again.  Athletes Prime’s training techniques provide cutting edge training for athletes. They have covered all areas of training including speed, agility, strength, and balance.  I have gained weight and am in the best shape I have ever been in. And, I am faster than I ever was before. Working with these two guys has also boosted my self-confidence. If you are an athlete and plan to play at the next level or any person who just wants a fantastic fitness facility with professional coaches to help them get into shape, Athletes Prime in College Station is the only place to go.  I plan on coming back and working out with Shawn and Casey during breaks and summers. Thanks for everything.”

“At the beginning of this summer, my 60 time was just over a 7, but after putting in hard word and countless time at Athletes Prime, I have now got it down to a 6.7. Through these workouts, I feel like I have gotten way stronger and a lot faster. Athletes Prime is the real deal.” Chase Bledsoe (Rudder High School Junior; Infielder)

“Training at Athletes Prime has been undeniably one of the biggest contributions to my success as a softball player. The training has made me stronger and faster and has helped me take my game to the next level. I am confident that the Athletes Prime staff will have me ready to compete at the collegiate level next fall.”

Adult Fitness

"Athletes Prime has helped me lose over 30 pounds, 3 dress sizes, and too many inches to count! Both Casey and Shawn have empowered me to find my inner-athlete through encouraging and positive coaching. Exercise is no longer a chore."
Missy Pollard  (Adult Fitness Member)

“I used to play soccer and have always wanted to find a workout place that would get me back into that soccer shape. Athletes Prime was my answer. I used to be lost at regular gyms and never knew what to do each time I went to workout. I love the workouts, trainers, and the others who workout with me at Athletes Prime. Shawn and Casey motivate you and challenge you physically and mentally with each workout. I have been going to Athletes Prime for about 3 months and have seen my body transform. I have put on good muscle, and have really seen a lot more definition in my arms, legs, and abs. For me the workouts are almost addicting! I love being a part of Athletes Prime and I would encourage anyone to join us!” Taylor Canfield (Texas A&M student)

“I am a 47 year old mother of two sons. I have dieted off and on several times over the years and have lost up to 25 pounds but have always gained the weight back within a few months. In January of 2012, I started working out at Athletes Prime and watching what I ate. By May 2012, I have lost over 50 pounds and 3 pant sizes. I went from a size 14 to a size 8. Athletes Prime has gotten me in the best shape of my life. I used to go to bed with a heating pad several times a week because of pain in my lower back, I no longer have lower back pain due to Athletes Prime strengthening my core. I work out 2 to 4 times a week, depending on my schedule, and I continue to lose weight. I am at the point that I want to maintain my weight and the fun. Shawn and Casey do a great job of keeping the workouts fun but challenging; there is never a day I dread working out. I love the different exercises and drills we do each week and know that it has changed my life. Let Athletes Prime change you!” Julie Elkins (Adult Fitness Member)

“Working out at Athletes Prime has been the best thing I have done for my fitness. In high school, I was always very active and very involved in cheerleading so I never thought about working out. Exercising has never been a priority of mine until I did a trial session with a friend, and now I am hooked. The workouts Shawn and Casey come up with are fun, which for me has never happened before. I have found working out at Athletes Prime to be very rewarding and I really feel like they care about my well-being which makes me work harder to not let them down!” Regan Pavlik (Texas A&M student)

“I have been working out at Athletes Prime for approximately 4 months and have lost over 40 pounds. If you want to get fit and feel your best, join Athletes Prime today! It will be the best decision you ever made.” Lance Hilliard (Former D1 baseball player)

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